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Let agreed | 2 Bed Terrace House |
Let agreed £850 / month

22 Charleville Avenue, Malone Lower, BELFAST BT9 7HG

Let agreed £850 / month

Key Information

Address 22 Charleville Avenue, Malone Lower, Belfast
Deposit £850.00
Includes Rates Yes
Available From 05/08/25
Lease 12 months
Style Terrace House
Status Let agreed
Rent £850 / month
Bedrooms 2
Bathrooms 1
Receptions 1
Heating Gas
Furnished Furnished
EPC Rating C69/C72

Additional Information

Living Room:

W= 3.01 m

L= 2.58 m


W= 3.43 m..

L= 3.50 m

Bedroom 1:

W= 3.67 m

L= 3.04 m

Bedroom 2:

W= 3.40 m

L= 2.20 m

Property Link (NI ) Ltd for themselves and for the Vendor or Lessor of this property whose Agents they are, give notice that the particulars are produced in good faith and are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract and no person in the employment of Property Link (NI) ltd has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to this property.

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